


Gracenote is a US company that provides music, video and sports metadata and automatic content recognition technologies to various entertainment services and companies worldwide.The company operates in 5 sectors: music, video/TV, sports, automotive and video personalization. Its core business consists of providing enhanced, complete and normalized sets of metadata in order to help discovery of content via search, recommendations and playlisting. Gracenote licenses its technologies to a wide range of developers of consumer electronics devices as well as online media services, who integrate the technologies into media players, home and car stereos, and digital music devices.

Gracenote’s music recognition technologies using its audio-fingerprint database which contains data on over 100m songs of music enables digital audio devices and music platforms to identify songs. Gracenote’s data powers music recommendations and discovery platforms for streaming music services such as Apple Music and Amazon. Other companies that use Gracenote’s content recognition technologies are Tesla, Apple Music, Dubset, Spotify, Amazon, Toyota, Mercedes, Time Warner Cable etc.

Delivery of your content to Gracenote will help to ensure accurate display of your music information with the correct song and album titles, artist name and relevant cover art in hundreds of millions of smartphones, tablets and automotive entertainment systems as well as several music services worldwide.

Distribution of Music on gracenote is available on Gracenote is available on VerseOne Distribution.

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